Michigan Masonic Home
Located in the friendly community of Alma, the Michigan Masonic Home Senior Living Services is a not-for-profit continuing care retirement community offering independent and assisted living, short-stay rehabilitation, skilled nursing and memory care services to more than 400 residents.
ExploreMasonic Advantage Program
Everyone knows that membership has its advantages. As a member of the Michigan Masons or Order of the Eastern Star, you may be eligible for the Masonic Advantage Program.
ExploreOutside Relief
The Outside Relief program extends financial assistance to Masonic brothers and sisters who are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of unfortunate circumstances, such as a severe illness or injury. The program is specifically intended for people for whom residency at the Masonic Home is not an option.
ExploreOrphans Support
Caring for Masonic orphans is an obligation Masons take seriously. A Masonic orphan should never feel that he or she is alone, or that because their parent is gone they are forgotten. As a brother, a Mason is tasked with caring for the orphans of his departed brethren and letting them know they are cherished members of the Masonic family.
ExploreMasonic Widows
When a man becomes a Mason, he does more than just join a fraternity of men; he becomes a Brother, a member of a family with roots planted firmly in honor and tradition. As a Brother, he is tasked with caring for those members of his family who most need his support, especially the widows of his fellow Masons.
ExploreS.A.Y. Detroit
Helping those in need, especially children which are the future of our society, is imperative to the mission of the Michigan Masons. We have partnered with S.A.Y. (Super All Year) Detroit, a fully formed 501 (c) (3) organization which provides ongoing literacy and tutoring support to thousands of families and students in Lipke Park. This program serves as a way to help children face the barriers of illiteracy and achieving their full potential, a commitment of our brotherhood.
ExploreMichigan Child ID Program
For more than a decade, Michigan Masons have been helping parents and law enforcement secure a piece of mind should the tragedy of a missing child occur through the Michigan Child ID Program. Masonic Lodges throughout the state of Michigan distribute more than 5,000 identification kits to parents at community and school events each year, provided for free through the generosity and volunteerism of the Masons.
ExploreModel Student Assistance Program
The Masonic Model Student Assistance Program is an intensive workshop designed to help educators, and anyone who works with youth, identify, intervene and create appropriate referrals for students who may be at risk due to substance abuse, depression, suicide, violence and other harmful behaviors. The research-based training provides insight for early and effective intervention for those students who display negative behavioral patterns which threaten their success at school.