Yes, donations can still be designated to Michigan Masonic Museum & Library, Youth Groups, Orphans/Widows and General Fund.
Gifts made directly to lodges are not charitable nor are they tax deductible by law. All Chapter Charity Account donations must be made payable to MMCF.
Mergers: The annual withdrawal will remain $1,000 however, the donations that had been made to BOTH Chapter Charity Accounts will be combined
example: Chapter A merges into Chapter B
Chapter B (Now primary home chapter) receives $1,000+ 4% of combined donations from both chapters annually
Defunct chapters: Chapter Charity Account donations would be transferred to the MMCF endowment for future growth.
Your chapter can spend any amount on charitable purposes that it desires, however, only $1,000 is available through the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation.
No, your chapter cannot “roll-over” the deposit from MMCF from one year to the next. Each year, regardless of withdrawals, on April 1st your lodge will be reset with $1,000 (unless your fund is grown by donations).
Outreach & Member Care will be available to help identify additional assistance, including but not limited to Outside Relief or community programs. Please contact (800) 321-9357.
Yes, the gift must comply with all federal IRS and Chapter Charity Account Program guidelines.
4% of all donations made prior to March 31st will be available the following April 1st.
No, all checks must be sent to and made payable to MMCF (with a note stating chapter name and chapter number).
Under very limited circumstances, your building would need to meet guidelines for Historical Preservation.
These uses do not fall under IRS regulations for charitable giving.
This means the withdrawal complies with the requirements for charitable donations as identified by the IRS.
No, however you can change the designation of the gift moving forward. (i.e. changing the designation of a current monthly recurring gift).
Yes, please speak with your legal or financial representative or call the MMCF office.
Yes, please speak with your legal or financial representative or call the MMCF office.
Yes, any individual or entity can contribute to a Chapter Charity Account.
Once MMCF receives the online application from your Chapter Charity Account Representative, it will be processed immediately and you will receive your funds within 10-14 days.