Lodge Leadership Day
Friday, March 15, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Michigan Masonic Home Doig Chapel & Conference Center
1200 Wright Avenue, Alma, MI 48801
Cost: $30
The Grand Lodge Office invites you and your officers to participate in Lodge Leadership Day. There will be instructions regarding the duties of the elected lodge officers along with expectations from the Grand Lodge Office. Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be served, and vendors will be available to speak throughout the day. Drawings for prizes.
For more information: (989)466-3091
Legacy Society Gala
Saturday, September 21, 2024
The Townsend Hotel Regency Ballroom, Birmingham, MI
Upon joining the Legacy Society, members receive an introductory membership kit that includes a certificate of membership, a lapel pin, and a commemorative pen and pencil set. In addition, Michigan Masonic Legacy Society members are honored at an annual black-tie dinner where members have the opportunity to meet one another and celebrate their commitment to leaving a personal, lasting impression in a bequest that will help secure the future of Michigan Masons for generations to come.
To date, more than 800 people have made a planned gift commitment to the Foundation, and realized gifts have provided millions of dollars to help empower Michigan Masons to change lives through charity.